Thursday, December 2, 2010

My goals this year in chemistry is to feel comfortable and knowledgeable with the subject. Last trimester, I struggled with the material, but my goal for the next two trimesters is to be able to walk into class and feel comfortable and take a test with out feeling bad afterwards.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reflections - Element Superhero Project

1. Why is this exhibit a good choice for placement in your e-portfolio?
I enjoyed the project and feel that I benefitted from it more than any other project that we've done in chemistry this trimester. The project was unique. I was surprised to see a project that involved creativity, art, scientific facts, and a "fun" fashion in a project, especially in chemistry. I think this project was a good choice because it was very fun to make, and I personally learned a lot about Uranium.

2. What did you find most interesting about this exhibit activity and why?
The project interested me in learning about Uranium. I found that incorporating the imagination, art and decoration, and hard science facts were the most interesting points of this project. This is because I never thought of something like it. The atomic timeline was predictable and boring, which is fine, but this project was fun and I had a good time making it.

3. In what way(s) did you find this exhibit a challenge to complete?
It was a fairly large project. The paper took a while then making the poster took a while as well. For me, I thought I had materials at my home which I actually never had, so I had to improvise different materials. For example, I didn't have and poster board, so I stapled a few pieces of printing paper together. Also finding all the characteristics of Uranium was a challenge.

4. If you were to do this activity again what changes would you make and why?
Very few. I would have made it a group project. Even though a enjoyed this project in a poster form, it would be kind of fun to make a element superhero group video. I think that would really intrigue the class in the element that is being focused on.

5. What change(s) in attitude or behavior helped you to meet the challenge?
Because of a miscommunication between our substitute teacher and us, we started working on the project as a group project. We were annoyed when we had to start from scratch and make our own element superhero, so I had to change my attitude to a more determined state than the annoyed attitude I had before. This helped me meet this challenge.

6. What grade would you give yourself for these reflections, from “1” to “4”, where “4” is the best?
I would give myself a 3.5 because some of the things on this post are repetitive and are not very lengthy but I answered the answered the questions to the best of my ability. I also stuck to the instructions and the rubric.

Monday, November 1, 2010

If I was an element, I would be Hydrogen. I swim 5 days a week and I am in water every single day whether it be swim practice, a shower, etc. I also love to sail. I sail all summer long nearly every day and more times than not, end up in the water. Hydrogen is a gas which doesn't necessarily describe me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What am I learning about myself as a chemistry student.

As a chemistry student, I have become more aware of the world and what it is made up of. I have learned that I am simply made up of gases and rocks, and so is everything around me. I have also become more careful and appreciative of lab equipment and the maternials needed in class.